Join us
All new singers are very welcome - and you need not pay until after you have come to the first rehearsal, to see if you wish to continue.
A subscription is charged, and this goes to paying for use of the hall and the conductor's time, plus a contribution to the concert costs.
The charge for the 2024 Autumn term is £50, or for both Autumn and Spring terms is to be £80.
FREE for Under 30's - Bring your family!
Please could you pay this, in advance, by bank transfer, from any bank, or online to:
Bryanston Choral Society:
Sort Code 30-90-92
A/C 01389715 - using your name as reference.
Cheques made payable to Bryanston Choral Society, for those who prefer to pay this way, should be brought to the first rehearsal.
Rehearsals happen every Tuesday during term-time, from 7.30 to 9.00pm. Subject to residual COVID restrictions, there may be an opportunity to meet and chat to other members after the rehearsal.
If you would like to attend a session, please get in touch via the Contact Us form.
Postal address: Bryanston Choral Society, Bryanston School, Blandford Forum, Dorset, DT11 0PX.
You can park in the Coade Hall car park, where there is ample free parking.
The Music School faces the entrance to the hall.