Bryanston Choral Society (“BCS” “the choir”).
BCS is an unincorporated group of individuals who meet to rehearse, enjoy and perform concerts of choral music (usually, but not always, classical music).
The choir is open to all who love singing and who commit to attending rehearsals leading up to each performance. No auditions are normally required but the rehearsal conductors can on occasion require them if they deem it necessary.
While the choir is separate from Bryanston School, rehearsals, and sometimes public concerts, are held in the school’s excellent Tom Wheare Music School, and the school’s professional music staff lead rehearsals, provide accompaniment and direct and support concerts. Joint concerts with school choirs and musicians are often given in external venues.
Subscriptions to meet expenses are due on a termly basis.
Organisational decisions, level of subscriptions, information and publicity are handled by a representative committee of volunteers of regular singers. The committee consists of a chairman, representatives from each voice part to liaise with singers, a note taker, a treasurer, and IT and publicity specialists. School music staff attend when necessary.
The treasurer maintains bank accounts and at least one other committee member is a required signatory for cheques and payments.
Annual income, expenditure and capital statements are examined by a suitable independent person (independent of the committee, not necessarily external to the choir).
In the event of the choir being wound up, any assets remaining after the payment of debts and liabilities will be transferred to a charitable institution or institutions with similar musical objectives. No remaining assets will be distributed to members.